Most businesses have data in many different systems and formats making intelligent reporting across the business at best difficult and at worst impossible. innview is the web-based reporting environment that gives you total control and flexibility over your invaluable business information. With innview's built in report scheduler, using its simple point and click interface you can distribute reports from multiple data sources to any user, in any format at any time! Just set them up once, and then let innview save hours of your time!
innview collects information from multiple data sources and creates smart business intelligence, delivered straight to your inbox. innview helps you to plan and make better informed decisions about your business.
innview allows you to report across your business and easily distribute reports to your management team, enabling them to make more effective decisions based on real time data. With innview you can collate multiple reports from multiple data sources onto one single report, reducing the number of business reports that are issued.
As reports can be scheduled to run automatically from the report management control panel, simply tell innview who you want to send a report to and when. innview also knows individuals preferences so you can send reports to each individual in their preferred format. Many of these report formats are optimised for mobile devices, so you can receive business intelligence, wherever you are.
Unlike paper reports where you need to store a hard copy of a report in order to view historical information, analyse trends and see patterns, innview gives you access to all your reports all from within the innview Spooler screen.
Finally innview is accessible and controlled from within the online management portal, use innview to build a personalised list of reports for individual employees and departments and make better informed decision across your business.
Innov8 is a leading provider of software and IT infrastructure for businesses throughout the UK.